Oil & Gas Drilling
GOC Rig # 5

GOC Rig # 6
Cabot 750
10,500' Depth
Location: 24,792 Sq. Ft.
Drawworks powered by a CAT 3412,
          750 hp Diesel Engine
Two Emsco F-800 Triplex Mud Pumps powered
          by D398 CAT Engine
Drilling proposals on
Fully insured:
Insurance certificates available
upon request.
Service covering south Louisiana,
central Louisiana
and east Texas.
GOC Rig # 5
Cooper LT-550
9,500' Depth
Location:  24,792 Sq. Ft.
Drawworks powered by Two 8V-71 Diesel Engines,
         rated at 300 hp each
Gardner Denver PZ-8 Triplex Mud Pumps powered
         by D398 CAT Engine
GOC Rig # 6
Call for your GOC Rig Inventory Book complete with rig location plats.